Baxter's Story

One little dog's will to survive

Remembering Baxter

Monday, February 8, 2016 | NHS Staff

Our dear friend and shelter ambassador Baxter has gone over the Rainbow Bridge. If you had the pleasure of meeting B over the years, you know that he is the perfect example of what we try to do every day – give a second chance to an animal in need. He was a miracle and we'll miss him so, so very much. During this somber time, we're remembering Baxter's greatest moments: running to the gift shop to steal treats, dressing up as a lobster for Halloween, and best of all, sharing his boundless love with the Omaha community (in exchange for pets, of course).

Thank you for everything, Baxter

Continue reading about Baxter's journey below.

When animal control received a call reporting terrible moans and yelps coming from a neighboring home—possibly a small dog, the caller said—a team of officers rushed to investigate. Upon arrival, they discovered a nine-pound Pomeranian puppy lying unconscious on the deck. He had been badly beaten, kicked in the head and left for dead. His name was Baxter.

Transported to the Nebraska Humane Society for immediate care, an examination revealed severe swelling on Baxter’s brain. There was little our doctors and staff could do except to keep him warm and comfortable and whisper words of love and encouragement. When he finally awoke, we cheered. A miracle, we thought.

It soon became apparent that this barely two-year-old pup had suffered irreversible brain damage, the result of not only this beating but most likely many before it. He would never walk straight again. He would have trouble holding up his head. He would require special nutrition. Housetraining—training in general—would be an issue. But he was now safe, and his spirit was strong.

Our staff and volunteers mended what they could and trained as best they could to give Baxter a second chance at life. Baxter was a much loved, and very spoiled, 16-year-old dog who enjoyed long naps, lots of treats and snuggling with his owner of 12 years, Pam (our VP of Public Relations and Marketing—she just couldn’t resist his adorable face). If it weren’t for the Nebraska Humane Society and your generous help, Baxter wouldn’t have made it.

There are many more animals like Baxter—30,000 dogs, cats, horses and more who find their way to our shelter every year. They have nowhere else to go; no one else to speak for them. Your help gives them a voice; gives them a second chance. Your help gives them hope.

Honor Baxter by providing hope to animals like him »

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