Thanks to TikTok for choosing NHS to participate in the Giving Season philanthropic campaign.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 | NHS staff
Omaha, Nebraska -- In Early December 2021, Nebraska Humane Society animal control officers, working on an anonymous tip, responded to a home in the metro area. There they found more than 600 animals living in crowded, unsanitary and even toxic conditions. Some animals had not survived the experience. The officers, along with shelter veterinarians, spent two days removing birds, reptiles, guinea pigs, degus, chinchillas and other small pets.
Once at the shelter the pets were quickly triaged for obvious medical issues that needed immediate attention. They were transferred to clean cages and habitats, and given proper food and water, appropriate bedding and environments. Many needed emergency care, and will require lifelong medical treatments. As this doubled the number of animals at the shelter and challenge us with 150 different species—all with specific needs--we reached out to our community who responded with generous donations of funding and supplies. While private citizens offered bird cages, aquariums produce and more, Non-Profit Parrot Posse along with local businesses like AJ’s Reptarium, Oxbow Animal Health, and Exoticare LLC offered specific supplies. The Sedgwick County Zoo, the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, Nebraska Game and Parks and Nebraska Wildlife Rehab Inc. offered their animal experts to help draw up care plans, provide care and provide medical expertise for these neglected animals.
February 2022--Two months later we are still caring for the majority of these animals. It is expensive but we have received generous help. TikTok is one funder who allowed us to participate in their December #GivingSzn. The $25,000 that we received will go toward the cost of this extraordinary animal rescue. As they heal and recover, we are slowly releasing these pets to rescues, sanctuaries, zoos and private adoptive homes. Many animals will get the second chance they desperately deserve thanks to such overwhelming generosity.