NHS provides impound services for Omaha and Sarpy County. If you've lost or found a pet, check with us.
The Nebraska Humane Society provices impound services for Omaha, Bellevue, Papillion, LaVista, Ralston, Gretna, Springfield, Unincorporated Sarpy County and Waterloo. If your pet has gone missing we're here to help you return Fido or Fluffy to your family. File a lost pet report, search animals recently brought to NHS and read tips for making the search for your pet easier by clicking here »
Have you found a stray animal that you're not sure what to do with? Here are a few simple steps you can take to ensure that the animal is safely returned to its owner. View more information on how to help find Fido's owner »
Whether you've submitted a lost pet report or a found pet report you may still have a few question. View some of our most common questions asked after submitting a report »
See an animal that needs help? Contact Animal Control Dispatch at (402)-444-7800, option 1.
Animal control will pick up a pet, for surrender, in the case of an emergency. There is a $25 fee for this service. Contact animal control at (402) 444-7800 ext 1.