Specialty Training Classes

Have a dog who is scared or grouchy around others? Need help with multiple pets? Want to become a canine good citizen? Try our specialty classes.

Specialty Dog Training Classes

Specialty classes are just that: specialized for specific needs of pet owners. From growly or fearful dogs who will not tolerate a standard class, to managing multiple dogs in one household, we’ve got help for you. We also provide CGC instruction and classes for dogs who have been cited for misbehavior.

Training Classes Currently Offered:

Small Dog Class (4 Weeks)

Dogs under 25 pounds are sometimes a little harder to train because of their size and how they see the world. Small Dog class will help owners of these little dogs find some effortless ways to get the dog interested in learning. Communication will key to getting a good response from the dog.

Schedule: This class meets once a week for 4 weeks.

Price: $117.70

After you pay for your class, you MUST fill out the questions on the next page to complete your registration.

Upcoming Classes
Start Date End Date Time Location  
Check back soon!        

Multiple Dog Household Class (4 Weeks)

Multiple dogs in a house comes with a set of challenges that are quite different from single dog households. Some of the topics this class will cover will be mealtimes, spatial issues in the living environment, working behaviors together, and walking together with both dogs on leash.

Dogs need to have taken a basic obedience class before coming to the Multiple Dog Household class. Each handler may bring 2 dogs to class.

Schedule: This class meets once a week for 4 weeks.

Price: $117.70

After you pay for your class, you MUST fill out the questions on the next page to complete your registration.

Upcoming Classes
Start Date End Date Time Location  
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Junior Handler Class (4 Weeks)

The Junior Handler Class is a dog training class for handlers who are 10 years of age and older, and their dogs of any age. Basic behaviors such as sit, down, stay/wait, come, and walking nicely are some of the things that will be covered.

Handlers must be stronger than their dog and must be able to follow directions.

Schedule: This class meets once a week for 4 weeks.

Price: Varies

After you pay for your class, you MUST fill out the questions on the next page to complete your registration.

Upcoming Classes
Start Date End Date Time Location  
Check back soon!        

Owly Growly (6 Weeks)

The first Owly Growly class is for PEOPLE ONLY. Please no dogs.

The class will provide education and training techniques to assist owners of anxious and reactive dogs to better cope with situations that may result in excessive barking and lunging. The class is not designed to train a dog to play with other dogs. Owners will learn the skills to help allow the dog to be walked in public places and around other dogs without reacting and to prepare the dog and owner to participate in a regular obedience class, if the owner so chooses.

Schedule: This class meets once a week for 6 weeks.

Price: $128.40

After you pay for your class, you MUST fill out the questions on the next page to complete your registration.

Upcoming Classes
Start Date: End Date: Time: Location   
Sat. June 22 August 3 4:00 pm CHS  


Fearful Dog Class (4 Weeks)

The Fearful Dog class is for a dog of any age who is afraid of many everyday experiences and has a tough time dealing with life because of these fears.

Handlers will be given ways to help their dog learn to deal with these fears and how to help the dog throughout its life. Participants will also learn how fearful dogs see the world.

Schedule: This class meets once a week for 4 weeks.

Price: $117.70

After you pay for your class, you MUST fill out the questions on the next page to complete your registration.

Upcoming Classes
Start Date End Date Time Location  
Sun. May 12 June 9  11:30 am  CHS   
Sun. June 23 July 21 11:30 am CHS  


Canine Good Citizen/ Breed Ambassador (6 Weeks)

The American Kennel Club (AKC) designed the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program in 1989 to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club.

This class will introduce teams to the ten components of the CGC evaluation test. Each week, handlers and dogs will develop and practice the skills necessary for the test. The sixth week the test will be taken.

Any handler/dog team that would like to obtain the designation recognized in the community as a Canine Good Citizen. Additionally, Omaha city ordinance requires Pit Bulls, Cane Corsos, Presa Canario, Dogo Argentino, American Bulldogs, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and predominant mixes of these breeds to be muzzled whenever they are outside and not in a securely fenced yard. However, those dogs who are exceptionally gentle and under the control of their owners can get a muzzle exemption by following certain requirements and passing a Canine Good Citizen Test.

This class is free to new adopters of any of the above breeds included in the ordinance. It is recommended that teams take a basic dog training class (such as Adult Skills) prior to taking the CGC class.

Price: $128.40 (includes test)

After you pay for your class, you MUST fill out the questions on the next page to complete your registration.
Upcoming Classes
Start Date  End Date Time Location  
Sun. May 5 June 16  1:00 pm  CHS   
Sun. June 23 Aug 4 1:00 pm CHS  


Potentially Dangerous Dog Classes 

Dog owners who have a dog that has been declared potentially dangerous are required to take classes. 

1. Owner Responsibility Session: This is a 2-3 hour class for people only (no dogs) and costs $83.00.

2. PDD Behavior Evaluation and Private Lesson: This class is a potentially dangerous dog requirement. A behavior specialist will provide a private lesson and further advise if additional training (private or otherwise) is needed. This session costs $117.70.


For further information contact the training department at 402-905-3472. 

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